- April 24, 20252025 Spring OTC and MANEVU Stakeholder Meeting
- October 2, 20242024 Fall OTC and MANEVU Stakeholder Meeting
- June 13, 20242024 OTC and MANEVU Annual Commissioners Meeting
- April 22, 20242024 OTC and MANEVU Spring Stakeholder Meeting
- September 21, 20232023 OTC and MANEVU Fall Stakeholder Meeting
- June 14, 20232023 OTC and MANEVU Annual Commissioners Meeting
- April 21, 20232023 OTC and MANEVU Spring Stakeholder Meeting
- September 21, 20222022 OTC and MANE-VU Fall Stakeholder Meeting
- June 2, 20222022 OTC and MANE-VU Annual Commissioners Meeting
- April 14, 20222022 OTC and MANE-VU Spring Stakeholder Meeting
- November 9, 20212021 OTC and MANE-VU Fall Stakeholder
- June 15, 20212021 OTC and MANE-VU Annual Commissioners Meeting
- April 13, 20212021 OTC and MANE-VU Spring Stakeholder Meeting
- March 30, 20202020 OTC and MANE-VU Spring Stakeholder Meeting
- June 11, 20192019 OTC and MANE-VU Annual Meeting
- April 11, 20192019 OTC and MANE-VU Spring Stakeholder Meeting
- September 21, 20182018 OTC and MANE-VU Fall Stakeholder Meeting
- June 7, 20182018 OTC and MANE-VU Spring Meeting
- April 17, 20182018 OTC and MANE-VU Spring Stakeholder Online Meeting
- November 15, 20172017 OTC and MANEVU Fall Meeting
- June 6, 20172017 OTC and MANE-VU Spring Meeting
- April 11, 20172017 OTC and MANE-VU Spring Stakeholder Meeting
- November 17, 20162016 OTC and MANE-VU Fall Meeting
- September 20, 20162016 OTC and MANE-VU Fall Committee Meeting
- June 3, 20162016 OTC and MANEVU Spring Meeting
- April 12, 20162016 OTC and MANE-VU Spring Stakeholder Meeting
- November 5, 20152015 OTC and MANE-VU Fall Meeting
- September 10, 20152015 OTC and MANE-VU Fall Stakeholder Meeting
- November 19, 20142014 OTC and MANEVU Fall Meeting
- September 24, 20142014 OTC and MANEVU Fall Committee Meeting
- November 14, 20132013 OTC and MANEVU Fall Meeting
- September 12, 20132013 OTC and MANE-VU Fall Committee Meeting September 12, 2013
- November 15, 2012OTC/MANE-VU Joint Fall Meeting
- September 15, 2011MANE-VU Board Meeting - Manchester, VT
- Agenda
- Presentation - (A brief) History of Lye BrookClass I Wilderness Area
- Presentation - Lye Brook IMPROVE Monitoring Site
- Presentation - Value of CAMNET: Rural and Urban Visibility Camera Views
- Presentation - An Analysis of Progress toward MANE-VUs Long-Term Strategy, Emphasizing Key EGU Sources
- Presentation - Upwind/Downwind Transport Linkages for New Ozone NAAQS
- Presentation - Particulate Matter: Perspectives on its Health Effects and Sources
- Presentation - Forthcoming Policies to Control Criteria Air Pollutants and Regional Haze: Update
- Presentation - Regional Haze Timelines and Planning
- Presentation - Strategic Planning: Regional Haze and PM SIP Resources, 2012-2018
- December 17, 2008MANE-VU Oilheat Stakeholders Meeting
- April 4, 2008MANE-VU Stakeholder Briefing
- November 15, 2007MANE-VU Stakeholders Briefing
- Summer 2007Inter-RPO Consulation Calls an Agendas and briefing book
- June 7, 2007MANE-VU Board Meeting - Providence, RI
- Attachment 1/EGU List for Statement (referenced in Statement on Controls)
- Statement on Controls in MANE-VU
- Statement on National Controls
- Statement on Controls outside
- Resolution Regarding Class I S
- Presentation - J. Underhill - What do we know about Regional
- Presentation - W. Havens - MANE-VU Approach to BART
- Presentation - C. Salmi - What's Reasonable?
- Agenda
- May 10, 2006MANE-VU Annual Meeting - Pitts
- April 4-5, 2006MANE-VU Technical Support Committee Meeting
- September 28, 2005MANE-VU Emissions Inventory Work Group Meeting
- September 27, 2005MANE-VU Technical Support Committee Meeting
- April 29, 20052005 MANE-VU Board Meeting
- March 15, 2005Technical Support Committee Meeting
- March 3, 2005Communications Committee Meeting
- October 21, 2004 Communications Committee Meeting
- September 30, 2004Modeling and Data Anaylsis/Mon
- September 29, 2004Technical Support Committee Meeting
- June 10, 20042004 MANE-VU Annual Board Meeting
- March 26, 2004Communications Committee Meeting
- March 17, 2004Stakeholder Briefing
- March 16, 2004Technical Support Committee Meeting
- July 31 - August 1, 2003Stakeholder Modeling Meeting
- December 17, 2002MANE-VU Emissions Inventory Work Group Meeting
- September 25-26, 2002Technical Support Committee Meeting
- August 23, 2002Communications Committee Meeting
- August 5, 20022002 MANE-VU Annual Board Meeting
- December 18, 2001Technical Support Committee Meeting
- September 19, 2001Technical Support Committee Meeting