We develop regional solutions to
the ground-level OZONE problem.

Map of the OTC Region

What is the Ozone Transport Commission?

The Ozone Transport Commission (OTC) is a multi-state organization created under the Clean Air Act. We are responsible for advising EPA on developing and implementing regional solutions to the ground-level ozone problem in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions.

Visit our Model Rules and Guidelines section for more information on the implementation status of OTC’s model rules and guidelines within the states and DC.

Learn More About the OTC

What is Ground-Level Ozone?

Ground-level ozone is an air pollutant that can irritate your throat and lungs, make it more difficult to breathe, provoke asthma attacks and damage the lining of your lungs.

Learn More About Ozone

Ozone Transport Commission Officers

CHAIR: Christine Kirby, Massachusetts
VICE CHAIR: Katie S. Dykes, Connecticut
TREASURER/SECRETARY: Richard Jackson, District of Columbia